October 8, 2024

Welcome to your weekly dose of Mark Levin's boot licking of Traitor Trump.

I enjoy writing these posts because Levin is a man who claims to be a true historian, an expert on the Supreme Court and everything related to American politics.

Yet, he supports a convicted felon, twice impeached, immoral, indecent, narcissistic, fascist, serial lying buffoon who fomented an insurrection at the U.S. Capitol and tried to overthrow the U.S. Constitution that Levin purports to support. In other words he turns into a hyperbolic imbecile defending the indefensible.

Levin opened up by describing Moreno's opponent, Sen. Sherrod Brown as a Marxist socialist before launching into his bootlicking monologue.

LEVIN: You know, folks, there are leaders and there are leaders, and there are statesmen and there are statesmen.

Mark, what are you talking about?

We have people in this country who are absolutely fabulous. We've had fabulous presidents.

And what makes them so remarkable is they think out of the box. Donald Trump thinks out of the box.

Donald Trump is and will be a historic and iconic figure.

Not from America's media today or today's authors, but 20, 50, 100 years from now, he'll get the acclaim that he deserves.

Won't do him any good today, but one day that will happen.


Because he's a leader and he's a statesman.

Just because he doesn't use Washington speak, just because he doesn't play by the rules of the ruling class establishment, which is a failure, which has turned on the American people and power hungry.

It's because he's none of that, that he's iconic and historic.

Ronald Reagan is.

Levin's proof that Trump is a statesman and a historic and iconic figure is because he doesn't use Washingtonspeak. Trump barely speaks English half the time.

Levin is correct when he says Trump doesn't play by the rules. Instead, Trump commits crimes against U.S. democracy and his fellow man.

Trump will be remembered and reviled, not celebrated.

Drunky McJackson would have no luck doing a prostate exam on Trump because he’d run into Levin's nose.

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