October 24, 2024

Fox Business host Maria Bartiromo and much of the Republican party claimed VP Mike Pence had a duty and the right to refuse to certify the election on January 6, but he refused to do so.

Any credible person understands the vice president doesn't have this authority, but truth doesn't aid the BIG LIE.

As the saying goes, 'What's good for the goose is good for the gander."

Radical Freedom Caucus member Rep. Chip Roy told Maria that he's worried the Democratic Vice President may refuse to certify the electoral college if she loses.

What he says here is actually moronic for anyone, much less a member of the House of Representatives.

ROY: Democrats like Jamie Raskin, who have already said they have no intention of trying to make sure that we're going to see President Trump, they have no intention of counting the electorate.

We have to have an overwhelming victory in the House and Senate so that we can do the job of taking in the electors, counting the electors for President Trump, which I can assure you I'll be out there as a strong voice saying we have a constitutional duty to do.

We shouldn't have the Vice President Kamala Harris have some sort of unilateral authority to reject the electors.

We've got to see President Trump take the House and the Senate and fight for America.

BARTIROMO: Well, it's a good point because at the end of the day, isn't it the Vice President that has to certify?

ROY: Yep. Yep.

Which is why I believe that we got to stand up and take the electors. That's what we're going to do.

Later in her program, Maria was so bothered by this possibility since it just dawned on her she asked Rep. Lawler the same question.

BARTIROMO: So, Congressman Lawler, how do you see things?

I mean, you've got an election that is very tight.

It may very well be contested. And the vice president is the one who is supposed to certify the electors. Will she do it if she objects to the election? And what are you going to do about it?

Trump and his minions were the traitors to the Constitution. No one else. Nobody tried to undo a free and fairt election except for Traitor Trump.

Go fk yourselves.

All of you MAGAts are traitors.

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