Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-SC) complained that Vice President Kamala Harris' campaign had moved on from its "joy" theme to comparing Donald Trump to Adolf Hitler after retired Gen. John Kelly called the former president a fascist.
October 27, 2024

Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-SC) complained that Vice President Kamala Harris' campaign had moved on from its "joy" theme to comparing Donald Trump to Adolf Hitler after retired Gen. John Kelly called the former president a fascist.

During a Sunday morning interview on ABC, host Jonathan Karl told Graham that Kelly had called Trump a wannabe dictator.

"Three weeks before the election, you're calling basically Trump, Hitler, a fascist is not going to resonate," Graham complained. "What happened to joy on the Democratic side? They went from joy to now Trump is Hitler!"

"I think General Kelly's criticisms are not based on facts," he continued. "I think it's emotional. It's sad. And it's not going to matter."

Graham became irate as Karl pointed out his past praise for generals who now oppose Trump.

"Now, General Mattis, Secretary Mattis is somebody you called a role model for the concept of duty, honor, and country," Karl said. "Can you really do this now?"

"I mean, I could go through all the good things you've said about all three of those [generals]," he noted.

"That was before they weighed in and turned America upside down, using rhetoric that's dangerous and is off base!" Graham shouted. "Okay, if you want to call him Hitler."

"They didn't call him Hitler," Karl said.

"What they did is they're trying to scare Americans that this man can't fix the problems we need fixed," Graham complained. "I don't think he's a fascist. I thought he was a very strong president at a time we needed a strong president."

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