October 23, 2024

Yes, we know Trump played a game of marbles and never got his back. He's been getting increasingly insane in public (and this, for him, is a high bar). Most recently, swaying to Ave Maria + 40 minutes of other songs onstage at a rally.

He was supposed to be taking questions from the crowd. Gov. Kristi Noem of South Dakota, there to moderate, looked like she was half-ready to ask him if he wanted to go for a walk to the gravel pit.

But this most recent one, well, it just says so much about Trump's deep ocean of insecurities, his still being a toddler hoping to get his daddy's approval (spoiler: he never got it).Trump, at this event, you could say, took things to another level. The story he told was bizarre, lewd and it will become legend, because even for Trump this was just patently absurd.

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