October 16, 2024

Gabe Sterling, the chief operating officer in Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger's (R) office, posted on Xitter that the state's first-day voter turnout shattered its record. And we know that Republicans don't like it when people turn out in massive numbers. A record-breaking 328,000 total votes were cast.

In a separate post, he wrote, "That’s 123% higher than the old record for the 1st day," set in 2020 when 136,000 people voted early.

Georgia Republicans are getting desperate. They tried to implement a rule to hand count the votes in the state, which would delay the results with Election Day right around the corner. Judge McBurney wasn't having it. On top of that, the same Judge rejected the ability of county election officials to refuse to certify elections.

Georgia early voters weighed in:


It will be a tight Presidential race, but we can do this, y'all.

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