October 20, 2024

Two hecklers complained to Fox News after they were escorted from Vice President Kamala Harris' rally in Wisconsin on Thursday.

Luke Polaske and Grant Beth told Fox News on Sunday that they attended the rally at the La Crosse Recreational Eagle Center because God told them to. The two men were asked to leave the rally after they interrupted Harris by yelling "Christ is king" and "Jesus is Lord" in response to her position on abortion rights.

"We were only here to protest our faith, and we did so," Beth explained. "I was pushed by an elderly woman. We were heckled at. We were cursed at. We were mocked."

"Jesus was mocked. You know his disciples were mocked. And that's okay in reality. We did God's work," he continued. "You know, I'm all about being a cordial person no matter your beliefs. But I do believe that we were sent there by God."

For Harris' part, she advised the two men to go to "the smaller rally down the street."

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