October 19, 2024

If Trump weren't running for President, or, say, a racist, rapist, criminal, traitor, serial liar, Putin suck-up, really bad dancer, con man, possessor of all seven deadly sins...wait, what was I saying again?

Oh, right! Trump businesses, if you can call them that, are hilarious. Much like the man himself, they're all gauche, ill-fitting, weird, cheesy, vacuous exercises in nothing. Nothing but grift, of course. Trump was SO meant to do 1-900 ads selling a Bassomatic for $19.95 on 2 a.m. infomercials. But, alas, he had a rich, racist git for a daddy, who handed him $400 mil in today's dollars.

As they say, however, money can't buy you class. So watch and laugh at all the cringe attempts at grift by the cretinous cracker!

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