October 15, 2024

A Georgia judge ruled yesterday that certifying elections is a required duty of county election boards, and they’re not allowed to refuse finalizing results based on suspicions of miscounts or fraud. Via the Atlanta Journal Constitution:

Superior Court Judge Robert McBurney rejected claims brought by Fulton County election board member Julie Adams, who voted against certifying this spring’s presidential primary.

McBurney ruled that Georgia law requires certification, and county election boards don’t have any discretion not to do so.

“If election superintendents were, as plaintiff urges, free to play investigator, prosecutor, jury, and judge and so — because of a unilateral determination of error or fraud — refuse to certify election results, Georgia voters would be silenced,” McBurney wrote “Our Constitution and our election code do not allow for that to happen.”

Well put, Judge McBurney.

We're incensed that the Georgia Supreme Court overturned your brilliant pro-freedom, pro-Constitution abortion ruling.

Waiting for the appeal.

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