Eric Hovde's Tropical Resort And Lodge And Cash Cow
Credit: Screencap
October 24, 2024

Eric Hovde, the California carpetbagger with a pornstache, is not your typical Wisconsinite. Hell, he's not your typical American.

Consider these facts:

  • He owns a $7 million mansion in Laguna Beach, near his multibillion dollar bank and right on the ocean.
  • He owns a $2.3 million mansion in Washington, D.C.
  • He owns a more modest, but still luxurious, home on Lake Mendota in Madison, Wisconsin
  • He has hundreds of millions of dollars in the Cayman Islands
  • His worth is in the range of $565 million, give or take a few million dollars, which could make him the richest senator in the United States, if he would get elected

Yeah, I'm sure he's really concerned about inflation and the high cost of gas and groceries. He has more money than most Wisconsinites, altogether, will ever see in their lives.

But wait! There's more. There's always more.

Hovde also owns a very swanky tropical resort in Costa Rica:

In December 2022, Hovde Properties joined with California-based Soul Community Planet, a "holistic hospitality" company, to purchase a 189-acre jungle lodge on Costa Rica’s Osa Peninsula along the Corcovado National Park. Hovde is challenging Democratic Sen. Tammy Baldwin in the November election.

The four-star, ocean-front property, renamed SCP Corcovado Wilderness Lodge, features a main lodge, 14 garden villas, a three-bedroom beach house, a restaurant, two bars, a beach club and three swimming pools.

Accessible only by boat, the resort is set among acres of botanical gardens, waterfalls, streams, beaches and a jungle — billing itself as the "most biologically intense place on earth."

A night at the lodge costs $815. Cripes! For that kind of money, a person could stay at the Wisconsin Dells for almost a whole week!

The report goes on to say that Hovde might have raked in a million dollars in just the past year from the resort. Poor guy! How can he afford to even buy a dozen eggs?!

The real kicker is that one could have easily missed it by look at Hovde's financial disclosure report. To get the dirty details, one would have to comb through United States and Costa Rican property and business records.

It makes one wonder what else Hovde might be hiding from us. But it does explain why Hovde is desperately trying to paint Senator Tammy Baldwin as corrupt even though she hasn't broken any rules or violated any ethics code.

If Hovde wants to be people to vote for him, he has to not only come clean on all his conflicts of interest, but also explain why he's been hiding them. Right now, we have no reason to believe he would represent our best interests instead of only his.

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