October 9, 2024

I blame the people of Florida's 13th congressional district who voted for this clown instead of electing a true representative to look after their interests, not do this garish performance art. While she plays her political games, like voting against $20 billion for federal emergency funds and then having the nerve only a few weeks later to go on all the right-wing cable cesspools and badmouth the disaster response while demanding more FEMA funding for Florida.

Possibly in a few weeks, she will lose to Democrat Whitney Fox and they'll have someone competent to represent them. But with Fox News, Newsmax, etc all too willing to give her a national platform and free airtime that just might not happen.

Source: New Republic

Republican Representative Anna Paulina Luna demanded more FEMA funding for Florida, just weeks after she voted against a bill that provided $20 billion for federal emergency funds.

As Hurricane Milton approaches the Florida coastline, Luna has waded into a growing spat between Vice President Kamala Harris and Florida Governor Ron DeSantis.

But just last month, as Hurricane Helene approached the United States, Luna voted to shut down the federal government, vetoing a measure to extend FEMA funding by $20 billion. Luna was among 82 House Republicans who voted against the deal and one of 11 Florida lawmakers who cast dissenting votes.

Now, as Florida prepares to face a massive Category 5 storm that has prompted massive evacuations across the state, Luna is vying to get every cent she can.

When Luna failed to support FEMA funding, she faced strong criticism from Democratic candidate Whitney Fox, who is running to unseat her.

“As the worst storm in our lifetime was hours away, Luna couldn’t set aside her partisan games for even a moment,” Fox said. “She voted to delay critical FEMA aid and emergency support when we would need it most. This isn’t leadership—it’s a catastrophic failure.”

At the time, the White House warned that the stopgap bill, while necessary to pass, did not provide adequate funding to help communities recover from natural disasters.

A disgrace.

FL-13 you do have a much better choice.

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