October 27, 2024

Hello, Crooks and Liars readers! With just 9 days until the election, a rogue ad has appeared which hijacks the article you're reading and redirects to an ad for broadband. It's taken us a bit to track it down, but we've isolated it to the Disqus ads appearing under our posts.

Therefore, until Disqus can resolve the problem, comments are temporarily disabled.

Thanks to all who wrote in to our support email and gave us details on what was happening. We appreciate you, and thank you all for your patience.

Can you help us out?

For nearly 20 years we have been exposing Washington lies and untangling media deceit, but now Facebook is drowning us in an ocean of right wing lies. Please give a one-time or recurring donation, or buy a year's subscription for an ad-free experience. Thank you.
