October 18, 2024

If you want to know how the interview with Kamala Harris really went all you had to see was Bret Baier's pained expression afterward, going on Hannity with his tail between his legs, sulking that she had outfoxed him.

Source: Newsweek

Fox News host Bret Baier was caught off guard by Kamala Harris and said she may have been "icing the kicker" by appearing later than scheduled for her interview with the network on Wednesday.

Baier also questioned whether Harris went into the interview seeking "a viral moment" that would be shared on other networks and social media, adding: "I think she may have gotten that."

Democratic presidential nominee Harris took part in a somewhat tempestuous interview with Baier on Wednesday, during which she discussed immigration, transgender healthcare and said Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump had "talked about turning the American military on the American people."

Baier claims Harris being late for the interview put him "on edge." Poor dear.

During the discussion, Baier said he and his team were on edge as Harris had arrived later than expected, making it more difficult for his team to get the interview ready to go live in time for the start of the show at 6 p.m. ET.

He said: "It was a little tense–we were given the time of 5 p.m. eastern time. Obviously my show is at 6 p.m. They wanted to tape at 5 p.m. We said we were going to tape as live, in other words roll the tape and just turn that around unedited, uninterrupted, but we had to do it before 5:15 otherwise we couldn't turn the whole machine around before the top of the 6 p.m. show.

"So we were waiting at 4:55, and then 5:00, and 5:05 and 5:10," he added.

A former Fox News host concurs with Baier's hack status.

Hoist by his own petard.

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