October 21, 2024

Man, this just isn't Trump's week. Or life. Two of Trump's BIGGEST critics just ripped the crap outta him, and pretty much exposed why he'll lose. This is on top of his "would you like fries with that" photo op, that will go down in the annals of campaign history much like Dukakis in a tank. Just waiting for the first Democratic campaign ad to use THAT footage.

Trump also fell asleep at a rally this week, had technical issues with a microphone, and responded not by engaging the crowd, but pacing the stage furious for 17 minutes, bitching and attacking the company when he finally was able to be heard. That isn't even getting into his swaying Ave Maria dance party with dog-shooter Kristi Noem, a Q&A that turned into a tent revival on crack. What's next? Who knows, but he really isn't going to like what these two famous gentlemen had to say about all this.

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