September 20, 2024

The group White Dudes for Harris rolled out a $10 million ad campaign yesterday, with the first ad of the effort targeting white men in Michigan, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin. Via The Hill:

The more than minute-long spot addresses former President Trump’s grip on the white male vote but works to appeal to voters in the bloc who are disillusioned with him and his campaign.

“All they’ve ever done is screw us over, but if you’re not on the MAGA train, where do you go?” the narrator says. “Then it hit me, this isn’t picking teams. It’s about who’s got a plan that’s going to make life better for me and my family.” The ad goes on to say Vice President Harris and her running mate Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz (D) “are actually talking to guys like us.”

Politico was the first outlet to report on the ad. The group launched in July following Harris replacing President Biden at the top of the Democratic ticket. The group raised more than $4 million during its first organizing call that same month.

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