September 9, 2024

The typically pro-Trump site TMZ posted a pic of weird vice presidential candidate J.D. Vance alone in a swimming pool with the Secret Service nearby with his shirt still on.

Sure, he could have skin cancer or other related issues that would need him to avoid direct sunlight. Still, we don't know what's going on with Vance alone in the fancy pants hotel swimming pool in his no-nude attire. But throw in his draconian outlook on women who don't have children - he thinks we "don't really have a direct stake" in the country - and the fact that when he orders a donut, it leaves people wondering if he's human, and the fact that he described Trump as an "idiot," and Hitleresque before jumping in as his VP pick, the guy is flat-out weird.

Xitter users piled in:

While trying to convince an audience that he and Vance are "not weird," the felon said "weird" 22 times in 36 seconds. That, too, is weird.

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