September 6, 2024

During a phony Fox News town hall with Sean Hannity, Trump once again responded to being called weird from Gov. Tim Walz and in the process made JD Vance and himself appear actually weirder than they are.

Hannity used the photo of distant relatives to Gov. Walz, who never talked with the Minnesota governor that turned into this weirdo rant.

TRUMP: There's something weird with that guy.

He's a weird guy.

J.D. is not weird.

He's a solid rock.

I happen to be a very solid rock.

We're not weird.

We're other things perhaps, but we're not weird.

But he is a weird guy.

He walks on the stage.

There's something wrong with that guy.

And he called me weird.

And then the fake news media picks it up.

That was the word of the day, weird, weird, weird.

They're all going, but we're not weird guys.

We're very solid people who want our country to be great again.

I mean, it's very simple.

Gov. Walz really got under Trump's remaining hair.

Like a child, Trump's response is, "I'm not weird, you're weird"

What terrific presidential qualities he has.

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