September 27, 2024

In a blatant effort to buy his way into a Donald Trump administration and probably beyond, Elon Musk’s America PAC is now the most important force in Donald Trump’s Get Out The Vote operation.

Probably so he could pocket more donors’ money, Trump and his campaign have outsourced the critical get out the vote operations. And surprise! The biggest stepper-up-to-the-plate is Musk. Trump hates immigrants (except for two of his three wives) but he’s just fine with Apartheid baby Musk trying to purchase an election for his favorite felon and sexual predator.

The Guardian reports that the Musk-backed America PAC is the only entity with a plan to do three “passes” of likely Trump voters’ homes in every battleground state. That means it “now accounts for an outsize proportion of the unglamorous but critical work of door-knocking and canvassing Trump voters in battleground states to get them to return a ballot.”

Fortunately for democracy, Musk’s oligarchic election plans may not work much better than his takeover of Twitter.

More from the September 26, 2024 article in The Guardian:

Last week, America PAC fired the company it had retained in Arizona and Nevada to do door-knocking and canvassing.

The move to terminate the September Group had damaging consequences for Trump as America PAC lost several days of canvassing while they sought a replacement company, and lost at least some of the roughly 300 people they hired in each state.

However, Musk seems willing to put a lot of his overgrown assets into the effort. Although slow to get off the ground, his PAC has since “exploded in size,” according to the Guardian. “By retaining canvassing vendors for each battleground state, America PAC’s operation now involves hundreds of paid and part-time employees to knock on doors in an unusually aggressive get-out-the-vote effort, [a person involved with America PAC] said.”

This wouldn’t be a Trump operation without some double dealing, though. But in this case, the dough isn’t going into Trumpy pockets. The Guardian noted that one of America PAC’s vendors, Blitz Canvassing LLC, is “controversial inside Trump world, in part because Blitz is a subsidiary of a company called GP3 owned by the political consultants running America PAC. It has given rise to accusations that America PAC’s leadership is profiting twice.”

May the infighting and disorganization blossom and multiply!

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