September 24, 2024

During a rally in Pennsylvania on Monday, Trump continued to lie incessantly about Springfield, Ohio, and their Haitian migrant community. He then went further, claiming migrants are destroying every town and village in the entire country.

Demented Donald sounds more like the Grand Wizard of the KKK than a nominee for public office.

TRUMP: With left-wing nonprofits to inundate Pennsylvania communities, changing the character of small towns and villages all over our country, and changing them forever.

They will never be the same.

They will never be.

Do you think Springfield will ever be the same?

I don't think.

The fact is — and I'll say it now — you have to get them the hell out.

You have to get them out.

I'm sorry.

You have to get them out.

Can't have it.

Can't have it.

They've destroyed it.

It's terrible.

No matter how many times the mayor of Springfield or the Governor of Ohio tell Trump to shut the fck up and stop lying, he refuses, putting Haitians in physical danger.

This man is unfit and unwell.

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