September 3, 2024

Trump operatives say their Project 2025 plan is to give Trump total, unchecked legal power so they can jail and execute those who don’t support Trump if he wins. According to the Harris-Walz rapid response team, this video has been scrubbed from YouTube.

This video shows what Republicans want to do if they take over the country. When someone tells you who they are, believe them! While Trump operatives call for jailing and killing those who don't believe in Orange Jesus, VP candidate JD Vance shows his hatred for women.

Naturally, one of the MAGA Trumpers featured in this video is upset. Because his video showing that he encourages violence is being shared on social media.

Show everyone you know this video. The mainstream media normalizes Trump and his supporters, so most people don't see these videos. We cannot let the MAGA Republicans in power again.

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