The Daily Wire's 38 year-old host went on a tangential rant about people taking sick days, claiming he has no time to be sick.
WALSH: Side note on the sick day thing is and you know this will be unpopular with especially with younger people, but You shouldn't be using sick days, okay?
I've used sick days maybe twice in seven years and in both of those cases because I lost my voice and I couldn't speak You know you can't blame me for that.
It's impossible to do a podcast when you can't speak and even then I still and anyone who watches has been watching the show for a while you know this. I still came into the office and recorded a video with subtitles, uh when I lost my voice if you recall, but generally speaking again, I know this is unpopular, but sick days are for children, okay?
They're for kids in school who are trying to stay home, so they don't have to take a test that day like with rare exceptions. Taking a sick day as an adult should be pretty embarrassing for you - calling your boss and saying sorry I can't come in today.
My tummy hurts is humiliating. You need to be at work, okay?
Adults don't have time to be sick. They don't have time for it.
That's that's I was just having this this conversation with my kids recently actually because I was kind of under the weather and my kids were aware of that and they said, “Well, so why are you going to work?”
I said because I don't have time to be sick. Okay.
I don't know I can't be, I don't have time. But you are sick. Yeah, but I don't have time for it, so it's like I'm operating as though.
Hey, Mr. I wanna use the N-word Walsh. It's always nice hearing a young millionaire lecture people about their work habits. Walsh also has a thing about men on ice skates.
I'm sure if he had to break his back in construction, he would have a different opinion, but I know how heavy a load he carries whining on his podcast day in and day out.