September 25, 2024

On Fox News' The Faulkner Focus, the South Carolina representative described all migrants coming into the country as rapists, pedophiles, and murderers claiming every state has become a border state.

Rep. Mace is parroting Trump's disgraceful rhetoric and lies about migrants to spread hate, fear and violence against legal immigrants and undocumented migrants.

FAULKNER: I just want to gather from you now the latest movement on this now that we are seeing more of this type of crime.

MACE: And in fact, just last week, Harris, 158 Democrats voted against my bill, the Violence Against Women by Illegal Aliens Act, that would deport these criminal illegal aliens who are raping our women, who are pedophiles, and who are murdering our women and girls, just as you cited in Nantucket and other places.

Every town has become a border town.

Every state has become a border state.

Since Kamala Harris has risen in the polls, the MAGA cult is tripling down on immigration, which means promoting more lies and conspiracy theories to make people despise "the other."

The GOP MAGA is claiming every state in every city in the country is being overrun by violent migrants and gang members breaking into their homes and raping their children.

Nancy Mace is a total disgrace.


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