September 14, 2024

Voter fraud fanatic Mike Lindell, faces another lawsuit after the shipping company DHL filed suit seeking to recover almost $88 thousand plus 18 percent annual interest, along with attorney fees.

Lindell spoke to the AP about the latest suit, "Lindell told The Associated Press on Thursday that he didn’t know what the lawsuit was about, but that his company decided to stop using DHL over a year ago in a dispute over shipments that he said was DHL’s fault."

What, me worry? Does Lindell believe the suit will vanish if he uses the Stg. Schultz defense?

It appears Lindell spends more time hosting ridiculous voter fraud summits than he does paying his bills.

I couldn't be happier to see another treasonous liar who helped perpetrate the January 6th insurrection go down in flames. I feel bad for some employees of My Pillow that will eventually be out of work for his antics.

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