"Why are you yelling?” the reporter asked as Trump's senior adviser refused to clarify the source of information he was spreading about Venezuela’s crime rate.
September 13, 2024

Source: Huffington Post

Trump senior adviser Stephen Miller had an on-camera meltdown after being asked by a journalist to back up questionable claims he was making about Venezuela’s crime rate, video of the episode posted to social media shows.

The four-minute video shows an emotional Miller yelling at NTN24 reporter José María del Pino on Tuesday after del Pino questioned Miller over his claims that Venezuela has become safer than the United States because its convicts are now all in the U.S.

“The crime rate in Venezuela is down, I believe, a little bit over 60% over the last several years,” Miller tells the reporters. Trump has made a similar claim.

Del Pino asked if he trusted numbers from a dictator. That's when Miller blew a gasket. It was glorious.

And watch the crocodile tears over victims of immigrant criminals. This is, you may remember, the same man who came up with the plan to separate immigrant families.

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