September 26, 2024

Mark Cuban quickly debased Trump's claims that using tariffs will help the US economy in under a minute.

Cuban joined CNBC to dispute Donald Dump and his outdated and unconscionable tariff plan.

CUBAN: 75% of manufacturers have under 20 employees, right?

There's like 4,000 companies that have more than 5 manufacturing companies. Donald Trump is trying to come in with a hammer and say you're the nail I'm gonna hit you with a 200% tariff John Deere.

Kamala Harris is saying I'm gonna give you incentives to manufacture more. Which do you think is gonna work better with companies?

Do you want to be underneath a hammer?

But when you put a 200% tariff on John Deere and only a 10 or 20 percent tariff on our Chinese -- their Chinese competitors. Their Chinese competitors are now less expensive than John Deere and it's not so easy.

We saw what happened with Carrier, right when in 2016 they said, you know, if you move down, right, you know We're we're gonna tax you more, 35% tariff back then and what carrier did they just gained the game the system, right?

They just fired different employees

There's a reason why so many economists are calling Trump clueless.


“Trump doesn’t know what he’s talking about,” said one CEO who was in the room, according to a person who heard the executive speaking. The CEO also said Trump did not explain how he planned to accomplish any of his policy proposals, that person said.

Several CEOs “said that [Trump] was remarkably meandering, could not keep a straight thought [and] was all over the map,” CNBC’s Andrew Ross Sorkin reported Friday on CNBC’s “Squawk Box.”

As CNBC reported two days ago, More than 400 economists, former White House advisors endorse Harris, warn against Trump policy agenda

The only people who want these kinds of tariffs are the extreme billionaires like Peter Thiel and Elon Musk, who want the income tax system abolished and tariffs to replace it.

No wonder Larry Kudlow is perched on Fox Business.

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