September 23, 2024

Brian Glenn, formerly with RSBN, but now with Real America's Voice told Trump supporters that they should racially profile anyone that looks un-American going to voting locations and try check their ID's.

What Glenn proposes is illegal and racist. No poll watcher can demand to see a voter's identification before they go into a polling station.

It's all about voter intimidation.

GLENN: If you go to a polling center and you see bus loads, van loads of people walking up to vote that clearly perhaps look like they could be... let's just make sure people are checking IDs.

Because if people are going in with zero ID and they're not a U.S. citizen, then they shouldn't be allowed to vote, period.

So we need poll watchers that can perhaps sound the alarm if they think that is going on so that maybe some election officials can double check on that.

So if we start to see all these caravan of people coming in, let's make sure they're all legal before we allow them to vote.

It's as simple as that.

Glenn uses the tired racist trope of migrant caravans coming from South America and Mexico into the country to be bused in to vote against Trump.

Any poll watcher that does that should be arrested.

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