September 23, 2024

Donald Trump's lies are so egregious that MAGA GOP surrogates going on TV have come up with a blanket denial of his antics by saying they were "taken out of context," no matter what he says.

We watched the debate live. He said what he said. This is just pathetic excuse-making. Still, it's all they have left.

ANTJUAN SEAWRIGHT: Well, I can tell you, the polling is a snapshot of the time.

It's a 50-50 jump ball.

I'm proud of how she's articulated her agenda to the American people versus concepts of a plan versus saying black Haitian immigrants are eating cats and dogs in Springfield, Ohio.

We would love to have the policy contrast conversation continuously.


CASSIE SMEDILE: My friend's continuation at going back to try and rehash comments that are out of context is all the Democrats can hang on to right now because people do remember what life looked like for them four years ago with President Trump.

So he's doing these interviews in addition to people having their own memories to recall.

Four years ago, people were dying from COVID-19 because of Trump's ineptitude. Instead of helping the country, he battered all governors who refused to bow down to him and made them beg for federal supplies. Instead of dissuading Americans from taking unproven snake oil remedies, he looked on in horror and proposed drinking bleach to thwart the pandemic.

But more to the point, the former RNC Deputy Comms Director lied about Trump's historically insane debate performance against Vice President Harris, where he looked straight into the camera and said Haitian migrants were eating the dogs, the cats, and the pets.

The only person trying to take the matter "out of context" was Cassie Smedile.

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