September 25, 2024

Self-proclaimed Evangelical MAGA "prophet" Mario Murillo claimed God spoke to him and compelled him to prophesize that VP Harris is a "daughter of lies" and there is no coming back from this if Trump loses.

Being a convicted felon and admitting to sexually assaulting women is perfectly fine in God's eyes, Mario?

Murillo wrote his supposed vision on his website and then uses nonsensical analogies and Bible verses to defend his prophecy.

But this is the first time that I've publicly been able to talk about this word from God that I've received. I want to give it to you, and we're going to talk together about it, Todd.

The first point is she is a daughter of lies. She has fabricated an incredible amount of her entire life. She is set for the destruction of this country. And I believe that the first phrase I got was daughter of lies. The second phrase that I got was, "We will not come back from this."

You see we're going to survive under Trump. We are going to survive the Bidenomics. We'll come back from it.

I believe will even come back from the deficit. But what Kamala (purposely mispronounces Kamala's name) will do will finish us of. We'll be done.

The standard of living in the United States of America will be permanently lowered from this point on.

Who knew God was worried about federal deficits? Who knew when God called Harris the daughter of lies, it meant he didn't agree with her policies?

Who knew there were so many MAGA prophets in the country?

The grift is on.

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