Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-SC) acknowledged that former President Donald Trump was losing when he faced a "head-to-head" matchup against Vice President Kamala Harris.
September 23, 2024

Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-SC) acknowledged that former President Donald Trump was losing when he faced a "head-to-head" matchup against Vice President Kamala Harris.

During an interview on Sunday, Graham was asked about a new NBC News poll showing Harris with a 5-point lead over Trump. The poll also indicated Harris' favorability jumped 16 points since she became the Democratic nominee for president.

Graham attempted to deflect Trump's poor poll numbers by pointing to specific issues.

"Who's best able to solve the crime problem?" he said. "Trump by six. Who's best on the economy? Trump by nine. Inflation? Trump by eight."

"So, what did I get out of this poll?" the Trump surrogate continued. "On the things that matter most to the American people, Trump is winning decisively."

"In a head-to-head [poll], he is not."

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