The MAGA GOP and Fox News hosts refuse to do anything other than offering up trite words to victims of gun violence to justify their AR15 mentality.
September 4, 2024

At the end of the Fox News Outnumbered broadcast Wednesday, host Harris Faulkner and former Trump White House press secretary Kayleigh McEnany offered their hollow "thoughts and prayers" to families in response to those killed and wounded in the latest school shooting in Georgia.

The families of those lost -- at least 4 dead now -- will surely get no relief from their words.

It's another sad episode brought to you by Trump, MAGA GOP and right wing media who refuse and obstruct doing anything meaningful to curb mass casualty events other than offering up trite words to victims of gun violence in support their AR15 mentality.

"Well, thanks to everyone, we will keep you updated as we get those numbers," McEnany said. "Our prayers for the casualties - we are with you. We are thinking of you at this very moment. Apalachee, Georgia..."

Hey, families of disaster! You've won Fox News' coveted "thought and prayers" coffee mug. They keep your beverages either hot or cold. Now they are off to cash their paychecks in service of gun manufacturers.

Here's lunatic Rep. Mike Collins, who represents the district of the shooting offering up brain dead words on gun violence.

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