September 23, 2024

Sen. John Fetterman blew off pointless and silly questions from Kristen Welker during a Meet The Press interview yesterday about why he and Kamala Harris have changed their positions on fracking -- and she was so shocked that he refused to take the bait.

“Vice President Harris, as you know, once supported a ban on fracking when she was running for president in 2020,” Welker said. “She even sued the Obama administration to prevent fracking off California’s coast. Now, she says she will not ban the practice as President. Why should voters trust that that is really what the Vice President believes?” Welker asked.

Oooh, oooh, GOTCHA!!!

“So strange why we just keep talking about fracking," Fetterman said.

"Now, back in 2020 I said that that might be an issue, but it’s not going to be a defining issue. And now, in 2024 we’re still trying to talk about fracking. And now the other side, they’re talking about eating cats, and geese, and dogs, and saying absurd things, and talking about how, if Trump doesn’t win he said that, you know, you’d have to blame the Jews on that. And just absurd things.

"Now, like, having a serious policy conversation when the other side is just absolutely on fire. And here’s where we are, and here we are also, that it’s going to be very close in Pennsylvania, and it’s not going to be defined by fracking.”

Good for you, Senator Fetterman!

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