September 23, 2024

Chairman James Comer told Maria Bartiromo on Sunday that Kamala Harris should prove she is a gun owner by telling us what gun she owns.

How dare Vice President Harris own a gun!!! They are only for MAGA brownshirts!

Make it stop. The Comer-stupid hurts.

COMER: Well, look, I don't think anyone believes that Kamala Harris is a gun owner, but if she is, she needs to tell the American people what type of gun she has.

Look, this is all about crime, and when you look at the polling, Biden and Harris are getting killed in the polling with the issue of crime, which is a huge issue in the suburbs, and it's definitely an issue in urban America.

So just like Kamala Harris has flipped on the issue of wanting to have a southern border wall now, when she used to say it was racist, now she's trying to imply that she's scared like everyone else, so she has a gun to protect her family.

James Comer has soiled the integrity of the House Oversight Committee. He used his chairmanship to appease Trump's grievances and hold faux impeachment hearings against President Biden. And he continually failed.

His Elmer Fudd persona is embarrassing. Even many Republicans are frustrated with his dumb act. But not Maria Bartiromo!

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