September 9, 2024

Lawmakers return to the Capitol today facing a changed political landscape but a familiar problem: figuring out how to avert a shutdown. Especially when Mike Johnson is pandering to Trump over the issue. Via NBC News:

They have just three weeks to do so. Funding for the government runs out at the end of the fiscal year on Sept. 30, and former President Donald Trump is urging Republicans to force a shutdown unless certain demands are met. A shutdown would close federal agencies and national parks, while limiting public services and furloughing millions of workers just weeks before the election.

The presidential race looms over the final stretch for Congress; it is expected to leave again at the end of the month and return after Election Day. When the House left town for its summer break on July 25, President Joe Biden had just dropped out of the presidential race, Democrats were preparing to pick Vice President Kamala Harris as their new standard bearer, and Republicans were rushing to draw up a new playbook against Harris.

House Republicans have now settled on some lines of attack, which they'll highlight in politically charged GOP hearings and investigations into both Harris and her running mate, Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz, on issues from border security to the Afghanistan withdrawal.

Oh, sure. That'll be popular. Attack Tim Walz, one of the most likeable people in the universe. Jim Comer asks one of his absurd questions, and Coach responds, "Hey, Jim, how's the wife and kids? Are you still having a problem with your gutters? Happy to take a look!"

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