September 23, 2024

On Friday, Vice President Kamala Harris did a campaign stop in her old hometown of Madison, Wisconsin. (The Harris family lived in Madison for two years while her parents taught at the University of Wisconsin and Kamala was still preschool.) Keep in mind that Harris was coming in riding high from grabbing the Teamsters' endorsements despite whatever deal Trump and Teamster President Sean "Scabby Rat" O'Brien thought they had going.

So, naturally, after the Taylor Swift and Beyonce music ended, it was local Teamster President Bill Carroll who introduced her to the crowd of more than 10,000 people:

Bill Carroll, president of the local Teamsters in Wisconsin, introduced Harris in Madison.

Teamsters Joint Council 39 based in Milwaukee, broke from the national organization and endorsed Harris for president and Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz for vice president.

The local union made the announcement Wednesday, as Carrol said Harris has been part of "the most pro-union administration ever."

“As vice president of the most pro-union administration ever, Kamala Harris worked with the Teamsters and other union workers to pass the historic Butch Lewis Act, which has saved the pensions of over a million retirees to date," Carroll said.

Oh, nothing much, just a nice, subtle but not too subtle, tweak of the nose there.

But it's the little things that matter the most.

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