Harris Faulkner Claims Trump Was... Assassinated?
Credit: Screengrab
September 25, 2024

Fox News host Harris Faulkner claimed Trump has been assassinated while speaking to the odious Rep. Nancy Mace.

He is still alive and speaking gibberish, last we checked.

"Why would anybody want to block information about the assassination of former President Trump? Just a real quick answer," Faulkner asked. "I'm curious as to what you're looking for there."

"If there's nothing to hide, why hide it is the only question," Mace replied.

If Congress doesn't submit and investigate every MAGA conspiracy, then they must be hiding something, right, Ms Mace in the face?

Fox News hosts continually spread hyperbolic misinformation, whether intentional or not. Now they are trying to link the one assassination attempt and one not followed through as a nationwide conspiracy.

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