September 10, 2024

While the master of projection claimed on Truth Social that Vice President Kamala Harris is "hiding from the press," Team Trump set up questions in advance for the Economic Club where the former President rambled incoherently about his idea of using tariffs on other countries to make child care more affordable. Of course, US consumers would pay the price for tariffs on goods from countries like China, but he went there - again.

Still, some elite Economic Club members clapped like seals after Trump's unintelligible response, and that looked terrible for them.

Rebecca Quick, a board member of the Economic Club of New York, who was present at the crazy-time event, explained how it was "a controlled format," Media Matters reports.

QUICK: So, he came, and he laid out a series of plans. Some of the plans I understand and can follow, some of them I cannot. And I will say the idea that you’re going to raise a lot of money through tariffs and not have it be inflationary does not make a lot of sense to me. It’s one or the other. If you’re putting tariffs on things, like a 200% tariff on Chinese cars that he talked about, he did that intentionally so that people would not buy Chinese cars. So, you’re not going to raise the money on that, you’re either changing people’s behavior or you’re raising money. And if you’re raising money from it, it’s inherently inflationary. Because your consumers are not – American consumers will not be getting low prices.

ANDREW ROSS SORKIN (CO-HOST): Wasn’t anybody pushing him on that?

QUICK: We’re not allowed to. He comes and he speaks. There were four questions that were asked that were set up in advance by other people who were allowed to ask those questions; they couldn’t ask a follow-up. So, it’s a controlled format.

SORKIN: So, I did watch different clips. The Child Tax Credit thing.

QUICK: The Child Tax Credit is crazy. You know, thinking that you are going to raise enough money in these tariffs not only to balance the budget, to then roll out all kinds of spending, and to pick up Child Tax – to pay for child care expenses basically for everybody doesn’t make any sense to me.

Bloaty McBatshit hasn't made sense for years. That's nothing new, but now, suddenly, people are wondering why he talks like a person who "doesn't make any sense." He never did. At least not through all of the years I've been writing about that insufferable blowhard. Trump wanted to nuke hurricanes in 2019, so I don't know why anyone expects the guy to suddenly sound like a reasonable person with a great plan on making child care affordable. Maybe he can use his handy dandy Sharpie and just scribble stick figures of children on a map. He shouldn't have been given the keys to the White House in 2016, and he's far worse now.

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