September 16, 2024

This parody song by The Kiffness (David Taylor) went viral this weekend. As mentioned on the YouTube blurb, "All proceeds from this song will be donated to Clark County SPCA in Springfield, Ohio. If you'd like to donate to them directly, visit their website here: A pretty nifty idea, one that uses Donald Trump for some good in the world for a change.

Source: New York Post

It’s the new Pet Sounds — literally.

The internet is lapping up a catchy new parody song poking fun at former President Donald Trump’s “they’re eating the cats” debate comment — with the music video raking in hundreds of thousands of views Friday.

The song, “Eating the Cats” by South African band Kiffness, features an audio clip of Trump’s debunked claim that immigrants are chowing down on pets in Springfield, Ohio — dubbed to a Reggaeton-style beat with hilarious auto-tuned meows and woofs.

“They’re eating the dogs/ they’re eating the cats/ they’re eating the pets of the people who live there,” Trump can be heard saying in edited audio as the song kicks off.

Lead singer David Scott, who is also a producer and parody artist, then begins crooning as he plays an electric keyboard.
At the end of the music video, a message pops up declaring that money made from streaming the song will go to the Clark County SPCA, which helps pets in Springfield.

Latest updates includes 50 million views across all social media platforms, and over 2 million views on YouTube, making it #4 across all music on YouTube. That translates to at least $3000 for the Clark County SPCA in Springfield so far, just from YouTube.

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