September 17, 2024

Don Jr. decided to weigh in on the apparent assassination attempt on his felonious father, even though he mocked the attack on Nancy Pelosi's husband, Paul, with a hammer by a Trump-supporting maniac. Fox News has made jokes about it, too, even in 2024. Right-wingers think it's hilarious.

This month, the former President still mockingly brought up the attack on Mr. Pelosi, and just after the violent incident, he cast doubt on the authenticity of the story.

Coke Jr. took to Xitter to call the would-be assassin a "radical leftist," even though Ryan Routh voted for his father in 2016, then later shifted his support behind Nikki Haley, then appeared to want a Haley-Ramaswamy ticket. Little Don said he shouldn't have to tell his children repeatedly that someone wanted Grandpa dead.

Children in the United States live in fear in their classrooms every single day over the possibility of a gun nut charging them with an AK while murdering their classmates. At any rate, Xitter users piled in with a reality check for the human 8-ball.

Just after Trump got into office, he quietly signed a bill into law rolling back an Obama-era regulation that made it harder for people with mental illnesses to purchase a gun. During his four years in office, Trump performed public fellatio on the NRA to get their support. To win an election. All for political power. Trump has blood all over his hands.

Earlier this year, the former President gave remarks after an Iowa school shooting, saying, “It’s just horrible, so surprising to see it here. But have to get over it, we have to move forward."

And sure, we don't want any more Republicans shooting at the former President. Instead, we want him to suffer in prison for the rest of his miserable life. I wonder how Junior has explained to his five children that Grandpa is a rapist and a convicted felon.

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