September 27, 2024

Mark Cuban gave a master class to CNBC host and MAGA clown Joe Kernen on how to discuss Trump's criminality and immorality.

Kernen used tired wingnut tropes to defend the demented one, and he came up shorter than a flea in a haystack. ( I used my Senator John Kennedy hayseed accent on that one.)

I'm not going to deconstruct Kernen's lame arguments. I'll let Cuban do that for us.

SORKIN: But my question is how much we should actually. How much do you think as CEOs who are watching this program, Greg, who's just a voter, is supposed to think about these other issues?

Look, I think that Joe would say that January 6th is not...

KERNEN: It's been litigated. People know it happened. It's been litigated.

CUBAN: Yeah, but how could you...

KERNEN: The 48% that back him are...

CUBAN: What? I mean, the guy literally told his vice president. He called him..{pussy} You know what he called him, right?
He literally tried to get him to overturn an election. That should disqualify him. It's just, for whatever reason, people don't want...

KERNEN: In the heat of that moment, I still... At that point, I think he really did believe that it had been stolen. At that point. I don't know if he believes it anymore.

CUBAN: Look, I remember going to...

KERNEN: You know that in the past, there have been Democrats that have voted not to certify. (Complaining about an election is not the same as attempting overthrowing a democratically elected government)

CUBAN: Yeah, that's fine. That's fine. But none of them called their vice president a pussy and said, don't certify the election, right?

None of them have. He's the only one to do that.

KERNEN: As I said, you got Stormy Daniels. There's a lot of things...(How does that relate to attempting a coup?)

CUBAN: I don't care about his character, right? I don't care about what he does in his personal life. I could care less, but you have to live up to your oath of office as president of the United States.

You cannot trust that Donald Trump would do that.

You talk about history. He has ripped off more hardworking Americans than probably anybody else.

Michael, down here, down the street, right, when Michael Cohen said he was instructed to short pay and that was a good thing, at the end of the day, when Donald Trump stood up there talking about what was going on and everything, he didn't say, no, that's not true.

He was smiling in the court. Literally, he was okay. Do you know any CEOs who would be okay with short-paying a vendor and think that's a good thing?

Would you support any CEO like that?

I will say that even if Trump believed the election was stolen, a sitting president cannot then try to overthrow the duly elected incoming president-elect. It's illegal.

I do not believe Trump thought he won. He was convinced by his a-hole supporters they could overthrow the results of Biden's win and nobody could stop them so he went through with it. Trump then used the BIG LIE to fundraise, round up te MAGA cult, con his rubes, and fund his next run at the Oval office.

Kernen is a fool.

Case closed.

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