September 6, 2024

I've heard his name, but I hadn't seen much Sam Morril so I put on his Full Stand-Up Special that I watched on YouTube. I laughed - a lot - and that's what it's all about.

So he's here tonight.

From Sam's website:

In 2015, the comedian recorded his debut album, Class Act, with Comedy Central Records, which went to #1 on iTunes and made numerous top 10 lists and appeared on season four of Comedy Central’s The Half Hour. His first one hour special, Amy Schumer Presents Sam Morril: Positive Influence premiered on Comedy Central in 2018.

Morril was the host of his very own show on MSG called People Talking Sports, which ran for two seasons and received an Emmy® nomination. Morril also has a cameo in the Academy Award nominated film, Joker.

Deadline has an interview.

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