September 28, 2024

It looks like the two-part strategy Israel unleashed has paid off big time. Just two weeks ago, Israel set up a shocking one-two punch of exploding pagers and walkie talkies. This forced the Hezbollah leadership to meet in person, which clearly was the plan all along. And Hezbollah fell for it, to their own peril.

Late Friday, Israel set off some very targeted airstrikes in Beirut, Lebanon, that have officially taken out the Hezbollah leader, Hassan Nasrallah. His death was confirmed by Hezbollah. It is unclear how this will change the trajectory of the Middle East's low simmering war, both in Gaza and in the North, with Lebanon and even possibly Iran. The hope is to avoid an all-out Middle East war.

A senior US administration official told CNN that Nasrallah's death is "welcome" and that “he has massive American blood on his hands.” The White House has not put out an official statement yet.

As a reminder, the Western world and US have designated Hezbollah as a terrorist organization.

The biggest concern is whether Iran will act, derailing a 21-day ceasefire plan that the US has been trying to secure. This agreement seems virtually impossible.

Keep an eye on this fast-moving story.

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