August 25, 2024

Trump, unable to stick to the teleprompter or his prepared remarks, turned his rally into a vaudevillian juvenile act as usual.

RFK Jr., was introduced to the voter fraud nuts in Arizona on Friday, which was awkward in many points. And then Dump took over.

Trump loves the polls when he's winning and calls them con artists when he's losing.

Since Democrats didn't talk about Kamala's horrendous record last night, we will for nearly four years.

Comrade Kamala Harris. I use that term. I don't know if it's good.

Is it good or not?

Tell me.

Let's do a poll. Let's do a poll. I love these free polls.

Instead of spending two hundred and fifty thousand to a pollster that doesn't even poll, you know what they do?

They take your money. They say, let's see.

All right. Forty nine to fifty one. It's one of the greatest businesses in history.

I get a free poll here.

Do you like the name?

She's a radical left lunatic.

OK, she's a defunder of the police. She wants to defund all the things that we talk about.

Do I call her Comrade Kamala Harris or do I not?

Ready? Ready? What do I do there?

You tell me you could tell me better than anybody.

OK, ready
I'll say yes or no.



Comrade Kamala Harris.


Nothing changes. Trump replays the same garbage to his followers because he is incapable of learning anything post-Richard Nixon.

Trump And the MAGA GOP continue to use the same attack plan that started after Dewey lost the election to Truman so they became red baiters. That is to smear all Democrats as radicals, Marxists, Communists, Socialists, DEI, CRT, groomers, etc., they feel denigrates their rivals.

Good luck with this one, Dump.

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