August 5, 2024

[Above: Samanatha Bee had Stephen Miller's number four years ago. -- eds.]

Former Trump white nationalist advisor and orchestrator of racist immigration policies crawled out of his lair this week.

He quoted a Xitter from Tom Cotton demanding Vice President Kamala Harris explain herself or else.

The "or else" being, resign.

It's just like a racist, with no power or influence except being loved by Elon Musk and traitor Trump to set the terms on how Kamala Harris "behaves" as a newly elected Democratic party nominee for the presidency.

If you've forgotten what a horrible human being he is, here's dead eyes Miller giving a robotic interview while most likely reading cue cards to George Stephanopoulos.

Trump stooge Lindsey Graham blasted Miller for disrupting negotiations to reopen the federal government after the shutdown, during Trump's horrific "presidency."

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