August 26, 2024

Tucker, the person you're suggesting is a "pervert" because he was a coach is Rep. Jim Jordan, not Gov. Tim Walz, you putz. Jordan was accused by student-athletes of covering up rampant sexual abuse while working as a wrestling coach at Ohio State University. In contrast, Walz's former high school football team admires and respects their former coach.

Still, Tucker went there on a podcast with Megyn Kelly, admitting he has no "evidence."

"Well, I lived in a boy's dorm in a New England boarding school in the 1980s with a lot of guys like Tim Walz, OK?" Tucker said. "So I saw that guy, and I'm like, oh, wow, I know exactly you're a creeper, as we used to call him, for sure."

"And you know, I guess I probably shouldn't; I definitely shouldn't suggest what I'm suggesting without evidence," he continued. "I don't have evidence beyond what I've seen."

Kelly asked if Tucker was claiming that Walz is a "pervert," and he went on to call the vice presidential nominee "a weirdo" and "creepy."

What's creepy is making up a disgusting fabrication like that with zero evidence to back it up just because you think your Trumpy Bear will lose to Kamala Harris, Tucker. Equally creepy is the fact that Donald barged into the dressing rooms at pageants when girls were naked.

“You know they’re standing there with no clothes," Trump told Howard Stern. "Is everybody OK? And you see these incredible-looking women. And so I sort of get away with things like that.”

That's creepy. That's perverted, and that's weird. Tucker continues to prove that he is creepy as fuck with each podcast.

Members of Walz's former high school football team were at the DNC to cheer him on:

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