August 5, 2024

Nearly 160,000 inactive voter registrations are about to be removed from Ohio’s voter rolls ahead of this year’s presidential election, including thousands in northwest Ohio. Today is the last day you can update your registration. Via

State and federal law requires election officials to maintain accurate voter rolls. Secretary of State Frank LaRose published a list of names about to be removed. Anyone on the list can contact their board of elections to update their registration.

“These registrations are eligible for removal under the law because records show they’re no longer residing or active at the registered address for at least the last four consecutive years,” LaRose said. “This list has been provided to my office by the county boards of elections after meticulous work under bipartisan oversight.”

People on the list have until Monday to take action to avoid having their names removed from the rolls.

Anyone who has their name removed can re-register to vote at any time.

This is a good idea no matter where you live. Check here to see if you are still registered to vote.

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