Justin Lee, 26, took a smoke bomb from another rioter, pulled the pin, and threw it in the direction of Capitol police stationed in a tunnel that connects to the Capitol.
August 25, 2024

A Maryland police officer was found guilty Friday of civil disorder, assaulting police and other charges after he threw a smoke bomb at officers during the Jan. 6 Capitol attack. Via HuffPost:

Justin Lee, 26, took a smoke bomb from another rioter, pulled the pin, and threw it in the direction of Capitol police stationed in a tunnel that connects to the Capitol.

U.S. District Judge Trevor McFadden heard two days of trial testimony before finding Lee guilty of two felonies and three misdemeanors. During his testimony, Lee told McFadden he was “trying to make a statement” about police brutality when he threw the smoke bomb.

McFadden said he believed Lee went to the Capitol that day to disrupt Congress’ certification of President Joe Biden’s victory over Donald Trump in the 2020 presidential election.

An officer who protected the Capitol during the attack testified at Lee’s trial that the smoke bomb made him feel disoriented and like a “sitting duck.” The officer said he fell and had to flee as Lee threw other objects into the tunnel.

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