August 5, 2024

QAnon Klan mom Marjorie Taylor Greene took the stage during Trump's Saturday rally in Atlanta, and spewed lie after lie to the crowd with no remorse and without breaking a sweat.

Marge repeated almost every debunked accusation made by Trump's lawyers and campaign officials that the 2020 election was stolen from the treasonous ex-president. She started by calling diminished Donald's two impeachments and the Russia investigation hoaxes; ranted about the deep state globalists. (No mention of the Rothchilds though)

MARGE: And the deep state and the globalists and the Washington elite, they have been after him ever since. They've come after that man with lie after lie, smear after smear, from the Russia hoax to impeachment hoax number one, impeachment hoax number two. They came after President Trump.

Trump's actions were immoral and criminal. No hoaxes involved. Meeting with Russian operatives in secret and having your campaign manager giving voter data to the Russians was unforgivable.
Now comes the BIG LIE.

MARGE: And then our election, our election, Georgia, was stolen from us, right down the road from here with a water main break. And then it all changed.

Georgia is where Rudy Giuliani's career went to die. His many lies and unfounded claims have bit him in the ass.
AP fact check: "A water leak briefly delayed ballot processing in Atlanta’s State Farm Arena early that morning. Unrelated surveillance footage from the late evening showed workers removing ballot containers from under a table after confusion arose about when work was ending for the night. This was the subject of false claims that it depicted workers pulling out “suitcases” of illicit votes, but investigators later determined it was part of normal ballot processing and there was no evidence of improper ballots."

Marge doesn't care that it has been severely debunked. She revived the moronic water leak conspiracy as if it was actually true.

MARGE: And we watched the Democrats shut this country down and destroy our freedoms over a virus that came from China.

Traitor Trump shut down the country on March 15th, 2020.

All these lies took about one minute of her twelve minute speech.

Methinks someone needs to take a drug and cognitive test.

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