August 24, 2024

Former Rep. Adam Kinzinger, who has been a vocal Trump critic over the years, spoke at the DNC last night and said Trump had "suffocated the soul of the Republican party.” He urged Republicans to vote for Kamala Harris. Via NPR:

“Vote for our bedrock values and vote for Kamala Harris,” Kinzinger said. He added that he was making this endorsement despite having policy disagreements with Harris.

“Whatever policies we disagree on pale in comparison with those fundamentals matters of principle, of decency, and of fidelity to this nation,” he said.

Kinzinger said he lost faith in Trump and experienced a “profound sorrow” after Jan. 6.

“Donald Trump is a weak man pretending to be strong. He is a small man pretending to be big. He is a faithless man pretending to be righteous. He’s a perpetrator who can’t stop playing the victim,” he said.

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