Republican vice presidential nominee J.D. Vance refused to say that former President Donald Trump disavowed a white supremacist acquaintance who has reportedly made racist comments about his wife, Usha.
August 12, 2024

Republican vice presidential nominee J.D. Vance refused to say that former President Donald Trump disavowed a white supremacist acquaintance who has reportedly made racist comments about his wife, Usha.

In an interview that aired Sunday on CBS, Vance admitted that right-wing white supremacists had attacked his family because his wife was not white.

"Well, look, it's going to follow us wherever we go, because that's the nature of public life in America, and it's disgraceful," Vance said.

The Republican nominee pivoted to place blame on Democratic presidential nominee Kamala Harris.

"I frankly think that, unfortunately, a lot of people on the left have leaned into this by trying to categorize people by skin color and then give special benefits or special amounts of discrimination," he said.

CBS host Margaret Brennan noted that white supremacist Nick Fuentes had made racist attacks on Vance's wife after dining with Donald Trump at Mar-a-Lago.

"Well, in your own movement, that's what I want to ask about," Brennan said. "Because one of the supremacists who was saying things like this about your family. Nick Fuentes, an avowed anti-Semite. Went after your wife. He had previously dined at Mar-a-Lago with Donald Trump."

"Does this have any room in your movement, in the MAGA movement?" she wondered.

"Of course, it doesn't have any room in the MAGA movement," Vance insisted without explaining Trump's association with Fuentes. "Donald Trump has criticized this person. Look, I think the guy's a total loser. Certainly, I disavow him."

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