August 27, 2024

Probably not the most mature political attack ever but one surely designed to ruffle Donald Trump's feathers. [GROAN]

Source: Daily Mail

Kamala Harris has taunted Donald Trump with chicken noises after he suggested he may not take part in a debate against her with 'biased' ABC.

The debate between Vice President Harris and former President Trump is scheduled for September 10, in what will be their first-ever bout in the run-up to the Presidential election.

But on Sunday, Trump took to social media and labeled ABC 'FAKE NEWS' asking, 'Why would I do the Debate against Kamala Harris on that network?'

Also while campaigning in Northern Virginia on Monday, Trump was asked again whether he should to the debate.

He replied: 'I think ABC really should be shut out. I'd much rather do it on NBC.

'I'd much rather do it on CBS. Frankly, I think CBS is very unfair, but the best of the group. And certainly, I'd do it on Fox.'

In response, Kamala Harris' campaign team released a video of Donald Trump speaking to Fox News, in which he rails against ABC and says doesn't need to debate his rival as he has a lead in the polls, with chicken sounds added.

The Kamala HQ team posted the video on X, asking: 'You scared, Donald Trump?'

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