August 2, 2024

FOX Business host and former Trump economic advisor Larry Kudlow outrageously claimed Trump was some kind of winner after his horrific and racist performance at the National Association of Black Journalists conference on Wednesday.

Says the man who infamously said, “We don’t actually know what the magnitude of the virus is going to be. Although, frankly, so far it looks relatively contained,” he told CNBC on March 7th, four days before Trump finally declared COVID a pandemic..

LARRY KUDLOW: you know, I mentioned Mr. Trump's tax cuts. I just thought yesterday, okay, he went into the lion's den with the convention of black journalists. He faced some, you know, pretty strong criticism. Thank heavens for Harris Faulkner, by the way.

But I thought he came out the winner.

And the reason I thought he came out the winner, I guess I'll start with my pal Brian Mast, is because he emphasized border, inflation, economy, tax cuts.

Those are his emphasis.

Again and again and again.

Those are his strong suits.

That's where the Democratic administration has done so badly, that he kept doing that.

So I think he went into the lion's den and he came out a winner, Brian Mast.

How did you see it?

MAST: I'll just say it the same way that you did, but in a slightly different way.

I agree, he came out the winner.

It's because he has this willingness, whether it's with a rally or whether it's with media or somebody else, to essentially go where he's not invited to.

Hey Mast, Trump was invited to the NABJ, moron. Since Kudlow was instrumental in passing Trump's tax cuts from 2017 that benefited the very wealthy, it's not a shock he cited it. However, those cuts added trillions of dollars to the federal deficit that Kudlow and Trump routinely use to attack the Democratic party. The Center on Budget and Policy Priorities writes, "The 2017 Trump Tax Law Was Skewed to the Rich, Expensive, and Failed to Deliver on Its Promises."

Trump infuriated any minority that has any dignity with his attacks on Kamala Harris' ethnicity.

Kudlow ignored that.

Of course, he did.

When you take out all the sh*t and vomit and spray air freshener, any gas station bathroom would smell better.

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